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Monday, April 29, 2013

Debate 2013-2014

All students wishing to be in 7th or 8th grade debate for 2013-2014 need to answer these questions on a sheet of paper (typed or hand-written).

1. What have you learned/gained from debate this year?
2. What are your goals for next year?
3. What do you have to offer our team? (leadership, character qualities, talents, brag about yourself!)
4. Would you rather be in a debate class or interp. class?

Sunday, April 14, 2013

UH-Spring reports

1st Place Sweepstakes
Extemp Senior Prose Religious Text
Olivia Cardenas - 1st Maddie Muehlherr - 1st Stephanie Oyolu - 3rd
Bowen Song - 2nd Adele Lauzon - 5th
Lekha Sunder - 3rd Maggie Hill - 6th
Larry Zhang - 4th
Alex Hoyal - 5th
Junior Prose TV Commercial - English TV Commercial Spanish
Maddie Fertak - 6th Zibi Gugala - 1st Mariel Alquisira-Morales - 2nd
Athene DelVecchio - 4th Miguel Covarrubias - 4th
Nikki Goldin - 6th
Oratory Duet Improv Senior Impromptu Speaking
Lekha Sunder - 2nd Tran & Hyun Han - 2nd Sam Frank - 2nd
Rukmini Kalamangalam - 3rd Lu & Oyolu - 3rd Lekha Sunder - 4th
Abby Eastman - 5th Tabibzadegan & Ho - 6th Olivia Cardenas - 5th
Vega Shah - 6th Robert Brown - 6th
Jeong Hyun Han - 7th
Junior Impromptu Speaking Senior Poetry Junior Poetry
Zuhayr Ali - 1st Maddie Muehlherr - 1st Sara Frank - 3rd
Georgy Thayill - 3rd
Joseph Dowdall - 4th
Joseph Donowho - 6th
Dramatic Humorous Declamation
Amy Yao - 3rd Armon Tabibzadegan - 1st Lekha Sunder - 2nd
Katherine Powers - 6th Nikki Goldin - 2nd Rukmini Kalamangalam - 3rd
Larry Zhang - 5th Abby Eastman - 4th
Athene DelVecchio - 6th Amy Yao - 6th
Jeong Woo Han - 7th
Storytelling Duet Acting Congressional Debate
Alisa Lu - 1st Nyquist & Sun - 1st Olivia Cardenas - 1st
Stephanie Sonik - 3rd Buks & Mattingly - 5th Will Acheampong - 2nd
Athene DelVecchio - 5th Miguel Covarrubias - 3rd
Lekha Sunder - 4th
Group Improv Curtis Yao - 5th
Nyquist, Sun & Goldin - 1st Erin Sheena - 6th
Morris, Lauzon & Cardenas - 2nd Marcos Coronado - Finalist
Shah, Oyolu, Lu, DelVecchio - 6th Devon Watson - Finalist
Group Lip-Sync
Shah, Collymore, Dunn, Lu & Goldin - 6th
Stephanie Oyolu - Quarterfinalist
Public Forum 
Maddie Muehllher & Vishnu Narayana - Semifinalist

Individual Sweepstakes

Maddie Muehlherr - 3rd place

Oak Ridge report

Extemp Declamation Humorous
Lekha Sunder - 1st Rukmini Kalamangalam - 1st Max Nathan - 2nd
Will Acheampong - 2nd Lekha Sunder - 2nd Larry Zhang - 3rd
Martin Logan - 3rd Will Acheampong - 3rd Jordan Hinrichs - 6th
Maddie Spence - 4th Abby Eastman - 4th Gabby Keene - 8th
Abby Eastman - 5th Nikki Goldin - 5th
Megan Dickson - 6th Zibi Gugala - 6th
Poetry Original Oratory Prose
Kaitlyn Kelly - 1st Abby Eastman - 1st Maddie Muehlherr - 1st
Dikla Taylor - 3rd Maddie Spence - 2nd Natalie Festa - 6th
Maddie Muehlherr - 4th Ali Potthast - 3rd Adele Lauzon - 7th
Ally Sun - 5th Martin Logan - 4th
Noah Scantlebury - 8th
Duet Improvisation Pantomime Lincoln-Douglas Debate
Zibi Gugala & Everett Lowen- Nathan Dunbar - 4th Joseph Donowho - Octofinalist
stein - 4th Larry Zhang - 7th
Storytelling Solo Improv Dramatic
Nikki Goldin - 2nd Athene DelVecchio - 3rd Amy Yao - 2nd
Athene DelVecchio - 3rd Maddie Muehlherr - 4th Ruth Ling - 3rd
Alisa Lu - 6th Sara Tin-U - 6th Nikki Goldin - 5th
Ally Sun - 7th
Alice Qui - 8th
Duet Acting Public Forum Debate
Shelby Griffin & Maddie Muehlherr - 1st Olivia Cardenas & Erin Sheena - 1st
Annika Bohmann & Kaylie O'Connell - 2nd Jeong Woo Han & Bowen Song - 2nd
Ally Sun & Katherine Nyquist - 3rd Joseph Dowdall & Sam Frank - Semifinalists
Sophie Cardenas & Adele Lauzon - 4th Travis Craig & Lyle Derden - Semifinalists
Megan Dickson & Julia Dietrich - 5th
Congressional Debate Extemp. Poetry
Miguel Covarrubias - 1st Erin Sheena - 1st Rob Laucius - 1st
Andrew Hollenberg - 2nd Olivia Cardenas - 2nd Sam Liu - 4th
Curtis Yao - 3rd Sam Frank - 4th
Marcos Coronado - 5th Bowen Song - 5th Prose
Vishnu Narayana - 6th Evan Finley - 6th Sam Liu - 3rd
Armon Tabibzadegan - 8th Gan Liu - 8th
Public Forum Debate Top Speakers Sam Frank - 2nd
Lyle Derden - 1st Lyle Derden - 3rd
Bowen Song - 2nd