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Thursday, May 24, 2012

Summer reading

I will also post some books that are unofficial required reading for debate.  Here's one that all of you should read.  If you've already read it, you get a +1.

Animal Farm, George Orwell

It's a quick read and while there is a movie, I haven't seen it.  Read it and post your comments.

Summer Stuff

As summer approaches and your parents fill your schedules with camps and vacations, I feel it's important to offer you some educational time-wasters.  To start off, I'd like to introduce you to Sporcle.

Sporcle was shown to me by some students back in 2010 and I've been addicted ever since.  It's quizzes on a variety of subjects.  I like the quizzes of the day and I also like the sports, movies and geography categories.  As debaters/speakers, it's important to fill your head with some of the things featured in these quizzes.  So, start an account, be my "friend" and we'll battle each other.  No cheating (opening another window and looking up answers).  By the time you're done, you'll know more Presidents, countries, capitals, historical events, than you really care to know, but it will help you when it comes to giving speeches and even doing improv.  A friend of mine is fond of saying "The more you know, the more jokes you get."  Sporcle makes life funnier.  Happy sporcling to you, my friends.

Nationals Info.

A lot of information for Nationals can be found here including CONGRESS BILLS.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

PF Topic Analysis

Resolved: Stand Your Ground laws are a legitimate expansion of the doctrine of self defense.

Start here

Nationals Topics Are Here!

Public Forum Topic - Nationals 2012
Resolved: That "Stand Your Ground" laws are a legitimate expansion of the doctrine of self defense.

Lincoln-Douglas Topic - Nationals 2012
Resolved: A government has the obligation to lessen the economic gap between its rich and poor citizens.

At this point, PF & LD debaters should be immersing themselves in the literature on the topic before formulating arguments.  Happy immersing to you all.