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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Sept. 2012 PF Topic

There's something about seeing those first debate topics of the year that lets me know school is about to start.  Exciting times, indeed.

September Topic

Resolved: Congress should renew the Federal Assault Weapons Ban.

1 comment:

  1. A few things to note:
    1. This topic is an incredibly current issue after the Aurora shooting, so make sure to appear educated (and be educated for that matter) on the severity and the constant importance that this issue yields (in courts, in real life, in Texas, ect.)
    2. This topic is short and sweet, do not waste time going for dumb arguments. You should be able to win this debate early and fast. Also, try to avoid the polarizing guns-good guns-bad debate, unless you really think you can win it. The problem is that the judging pool can be very biased on this issue (see Texas) so make sure that you play conservatively (double entendre) with your cases. Try not to take too many risks, and do not provoke ideology that might work against you.
    3. This topic is incredibly specific, which means that the more you know the better you will do. Make sure you know who signed it. When he signed. Why he signed it. What the opposition was like back then. What the opposition looks like now (look up lobbies, come on.) What has happened in the last 10+ years. What other things in time could effect the decrease/increase in crime. Is their causation anywhere?

    This should be an interesting way to start the year.

